In Proceedings

Perception and Navigation in Unknown Environments: The DARPA Robotics Challenge

Molinos, Eduardo; Llamazares, Ángel; Hernández, Noelia; Arroyo, Roberto; Cela, Andrés; Yebes, José Javier; Ocaña, Manuel; Bergasa, Luis M.
Year: 2013
Type of Publication: In Proceedings
Editor: Manuel A. Armada and Alberto Sanfeliu and Manuel Ferre
Volume: 253
Book title: ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference
Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Pages: 321-329
Month: November
ISBN: 978-3-319-03652-6
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03653-3_24
This paper presents different techniques to achieve the tasks proposed in the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) VRC (Virtual Robotics Challenge), which entails the recognition of objects, the robot localization and the mapping of the simulated environments in the Challenge. Data acquisition relies on several sensors such as a stereo camera, a 2D laser, an IMU (Inertial Motion Unit) and stress sensors. Using the map and the position of the robot inside it, we propose a safe path planning to navigate through the environment using an Atlas humanoid robot.
Hits: 103066


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