F. Herranz, Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña and M. Á. Sotelo. "WiFi SLAM algorithms: an experimental comparison", Robotica, Vol. 34, april, 2016, pp. 837-858. [More]
Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña and F. Herranz. "Integrating ABSYNTHE autonomous navigation system into ROS". In Proc. of the ICRA 2014 workshop. I. -. RAS ed. 2014. pp. 153-158. [More]
M. Ocaña et al.. "Development of a Navigation System for a Robotic Shop Guide". XV Workshop of Physical Agents. U. de León ed. 2014. pp. 169-177. [More]
F. Herranz, Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos and M. Ocaña. "A Comparison of SLAM Algorithms with Range Only Sensors". The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014). IEEE ed. 2014. pp. 4606-4611. [More]
F. Herranz. "Localization and Mapping based on Range Only Sensors". University of Alcalá. 2013. [More]
F. Herranz, M. Ocaña, L. M. Bergasa, N. Hernández, Á. Llamazares and C. Fernández. "Mapping Based on a Noisy Range-Only Sensor", Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 6928. 2012, pp. 420-425. [More]
Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña, L. M. Bergasa, N. Hernández and F. Herranz. "3D Map Building Using a 2D Laser Scanner", Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 6928. 2012, pp. 412-419. [More]
F. Herranz, K. Muthukrishnan and K. Langendoen. "Camera Pose Estimation using Particle Filters". 2011 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2011. [More]
J. M. Alonso et al. "Enhanced WiFi localization system based on soft computing techniques to deal with small-scale variations in wireless sensors", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11, July, 2011, pp. 4677-4691. [More]
Á. González et al. "Automatic Traffic Signs and Panels Inspection System Using Computer Vision", Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 12, june, 2011, pp. 485 -499. [More]
F. Herranz et al.. "Mapping based on a noisy Range-Only sensor". 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2011). 2011. pp. 165-168. [More]
Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña, L. M. Bergasa, N. Hernández and F. Herranz. "3D Map Building using a 2D Laser Scanner". 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2011). 2011. pp. 161-164. [More]