The RobeSafe group at the University of Alcalá conducts exhaustive research on Perception Systems applied to the fields of Service Robotics and e-Safety. Our interest is focused on the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques (machine learning and deep learning) to the understanding of scenes, driver behavior and navigation of mobile robots, on embedded systems with real-time execution. The members of the group have been working since 2006 on numerous research projects, with public and private funding, related to robotics, intelligent vehicles and infrastructure monitoring systems. All these projects have covered both research into new techniques and their practical application. Technology transfer is a fundamental objective of the group and we collaborate with important companies related to robotics and automotive fields.
As a result of the projects carried out since our birth as a research group, the publication of articles in prestigious magazines and the reading of doctoral theses, we are a recognized group that has received numerous national and international awards. It is worth highlighting, for instance, the Institutional Lead Award 2019 from the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Society for the longstanding work of the group on "Perception systems applied to robotics, road infrastructures and intelligent vehicles".

This group participates in the RoboCity2030-DIH-CM project (P2018/NMT- 4331), funded by Programas de actividades I+D (CAM), cofunded by EU Structural Funds.





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Polytechnic School

University of Alcalá

Av. Jesuitas s/n.

Alcalá de Henares, 28871

Madrid, Spain

Smart Elderly Car

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