
International Conferences and Workshops

  • Álvaro González, Luis M. Bergasa, J. Javier Yebes, Sebastián Bronte
    A Character Recognition Method in Natural Scene Images
    International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2012, Tsukuba Japan
    paper | bibtex
  • Álvaro González, Luis M. Bergasa, J. Javier Yebes, Sebastián Bronte
    Text Location in Complex Images
    International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2012, Tsukuba Japan
    paper | bibtex
  • I. García, S. Bronte, L. M. Bergasa, J. Almazá, J. Yebes
    Vision-based drowsiness detector for Real Driving Conditions
    IEEE Conference on Intelligent vehicles (IV) 2012, Alcalá de Henares
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National Conferences and Workshops

  • S.Bronte, L.M.Bergasa, J.Nuevo, R.Barea.
    Sistema de Reconocimiento Facial de Conductores.
    IX Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF 08) (I.S.B.N: 978-84-8158-399-1) pp 163-169. September 2008. Vigo. Spain.
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MsC & Master Thesis

  • 2009 - Master Thesis
    Estimación robusta de la dirección de la cara a partir de un modelo 3D de la cabeza del usuario, obtenido mediante un scan-láser y técnicas de visión estéreo
    Master Thesis of the Official Masters Degree in Advanced Electronic Systems. Intelligent Systems. University of Alcalá. 2009.

    You will notice that it was the first time I faced 3D reconstruction and tracking problems.

    A dense 3D model of a face is obtanied from a scan-laser and then decimated to adapt the model to a 3D tracking software based on a stereo vision system.

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  • 2008 - MsC Thesis
    Sistema de Detección y Reconocimiento Facial de Conductores Mediante Sistemas de Visión Computacional
    MsC Thesis in Communication and Electronic Engineering. University of Alcalá. 2008.

    This was the first time I deal with computer vision problems, so do not expect to find a lot of interesting stuff.

    In this task I used 2DPCA to make a face database created for each user to recognice them in day and night outdoor conditions. For the classification task a course to fine NN was developed.

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