Jesús Nuevo-Chiquero Homepage



  1. [Dec 2010] The slides of an introductory talk to the OpenCV 2.x C++ API and a very simple project with the code in the slides are available in the Downloads page.

  2. [Nov 2010] Constrained Local Model (CLM) C++ source code uploaded.

  3. [Nov 2010] New paper accepted to the Image and Vision Computing journal!

  4. [July 2010] We have a new paper Estimating Surrounding Vehicles’ Position Using Computer Vision, accepted to the IEEE ITSC 2010, to be held in Madeira, Portugal in September. The PDF is in the “Publications” page.

  5. [June 2010] I'm off to Chalmers University of Technology. I'll be working with Dr. Lennart Svensson until September.

  6. [Mar 26 2010] New source code available in downloads.

  7. [Mar 24 2010] New RSMAT videos uploaded.

  8. [Jan 11 2010] Our work featured on the Tres14 show on Spanish TVE.

  You can watch the whole show at

  Note: We do not work with BMW, the producers pasted the vehicle shots in. (The plates are German, different from Spanish ones).

About me

I obtained my PhD degree from the University of Alcalá (October, 2009), on Telecommunications (~EECS). My thesis is on "Face tracking with active models for a driver monitoring application". A short version of my CV is available in PDF here.

Research Interests

My focus has been driver monitoring and traffic safety using Computer Vision. I have developed face tracking systems to work with drowsiness and inattention detection systems for vehicles as part of my PhD work.

I am interested in morphable object modeling and tracking. I am interested specially on characterization of the human face, and possible applications: human interaction, HMI, etc.

Other stuff I like: I love traveling. Photography and music (jazz, classical, indie pop/rock, world music) are my biggest hobbies. I'm a TED translator from English to Spanish (when I have the time to do it).

I use Debian GNU/Linux for at least 85% of my time in front of a computer.


A video with some results of the RSMAT algorithm of my PhD. RSMAT is more focused on robustness and speed than on accuracy, and obtains good results in the RobeSafe-Driver Monitoring Dataset.

  1. Demo video of RSMAT on different test scenarios:

click to download [21 MB]

  1. Tracking with RSMAT on one of the videos (full).

click to download [19 MB]



I was a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Electronics, University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain, in 2010.

I am part of the RobeSafe Research Group.

  1. Jesus Nuevo Chiquero

  2. Dept. of Electronics, Esc. Politécnica

  3. Campus Universitario, Crta. Madrid-Barcelona km 33,600

  4. 28871 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain

You can find me at Lab O202 in the Escuela Politécnica. 

Scroll down for news, and videos. Source code and datasets are available, please check them.

Important news:

From April 2011, I’m a OCE Post-Doctoral Fellow at CSIRO ICT Centre Computer Vision (CI2CV) Laboratory, under direction of Prof. Simon Lucey. Check out our webpage at for news and information on our exciting projects!

I will maintain this page, but new content will eventually only be added to the CI2CV page.

My new email is